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Life Pulse Pro hardware and software for pulse diagnostic

Lengte : 57

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Life Pulse Pro hardware and software package for assess the patient's health status by Heart Rate Variability and provisions of Ayurveda. Special modules for detect the symptoms of cardiac autonomic neuropathy and functional tests.

Lengte : 231

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title Life Pulse Pro pulse diagnostic system
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H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
2 8 6 3 0 0
  • [H1] Life Pulse Pro pulse diagnostic system for express diagnosis by HRV and Ayurveda
  • [H1] Life Pulse Pro pulse diagnostic system for express diagnosis by HRV and Ayurveda
  • [H2] Heart Rate Variability & Overall Cardiovascular Health & Life Pulse
  • [H2] Physical/Mental Stress Assessment
  • [H2] Autonomic Nervous System Analysis
  • [H2] Pulse Patterns
  • [H2] BioFeedBack
  • [H2] Pulse Wave Velocity and Vessels State
  • [H2] Psycho-Emotional Coherence and Physical Compatibility
  • [H3]   ✓  Respiratory test: This test involves controlled breathing with a rate of 6 breaths per minute to assess cardiovascular function by deep breaths.
  • [H3]   ✓  Orthostatic test "30/15 ratio": This test evaluates the body's response to postural changes, specifically measuring the ratio of RR intervals at 30 seconds and 15 seconds during the standing phase.
  • [H3]   ✓  Valsalva's test: This test involves performing the Valsalva maneuver, a physiological maneuver with pulse registration, to assess cardiovascular function.
  • [H3]   ✓  Ruffier's test: This test measures the heart's response to physical exertion by performing 30 squats in 45 seconds.
  • [H3]   ✓  Homeopathic test: This test involves selecting a homeopathic drug based on the heart's pulse response, allowing for a personalized approach to homeopathic treatment.
  • [H3]   ✓  Audio test: This test checks hearing sensitivity to assess auditory function.
  • [H4] The Life Pulse Pro hardware and software package is specifically designed to assess the human's health status through a comprehensive analysis of pulse waves using a photoplethysmographic sensor. A diagnostic system has its own features that distinguish it from other systems. Some of these characteristics include:
  • [H4] This diagnostic system combines various methods for assessing pulse variability and incorporates principles of Ayurveda. Furthermore, the package includes a specialized software module that facilitates the detection of symptoms related to cardiac autonomic neuropathy. The LifePulse Pro hardware and software package also includes additional software modules for functional tests, such as: :
  • [H4] These modules provide the necessary functionality for conducting these specific tests, enabling healthcare professionals to perform a more comprehensive assessment of the patient's health and physiological responses. By incorporating these additional software modules into the LifePulse Pro hardware and software package, healthcare providers can gather detailed information and insights to better understand the patient's condition. This comprehensive assessment helps in monitoring progress and making informed decisions to promote the patient's well-being. Unlike the standard pulse variability test using electrocardiography methods and electrical contacts, the Life Pulse Pro system utilizes a photometric pulse sensor. The primary information in this system is derived from the parameters of the real pulse wave of the peripheral pulse, rather than the electrical excitation pulses of the heart. Therefore, the system examines pulse waves that propagate after the conclusion of the heart's electrical impulses and the release of blood into the body's cardiovascular system. This approach aligns more closely with the principles of Oriental medicine. Moreover, this method enables us to employ the entire mathematical framework developed for assessing heart rate variability using electrocardio monitoring while also providing additional insights into changes in the amplitude of the pulse wave based on the body's condition and the influence of internal and external factors. The proposed diagnostic system is convenient and easy to use. It serves as an express diagnostic tool and can be valuable for researchers studying human pulse, practicing doctors, specialists in Ayurveda, as well as individuals monitoring their health.


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package software life pulse test pro diagnostic ayurveda system health

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pulse 20
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